Message posted on 19/10/2020

Fwd: Budhan Theatre Video Podcast

Dear Visual Anthropologists/Sociologists,

I wanted to share this remarkable project from Budhan Theatre (the focus of our 2011 film, Please Don't Beat Me, Sir!). After loosing 30 members of their community to COVID-19, they have been making a video "podcast" in their own language, subtitled in English. Please see the email below for more information.



---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Budhan Theatre Date: Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 8:52 PM Subject: Budhan Theatre Video Podcast

Dear Buddhan Theatre friends, Greetings from the Budhan Theatre! Hope you are well and healthy in this difficult time.

It has been ages that we have not communicated with many friends via email and send Budhan Theatre's activities. We are trying to improve our communication skills with BT fans and want to send regular updates about our activities.

During the lockdown 1 and 2, we lost more than 30 people because of Corona infection. It was extremely important to create awareness about this deadly virus. Recently, with the support of University of Leicester, UK and Bhasha Research and Publication Centre Budhan Theatre team has been making Budhan Video Podcasts since July. The language of the podcast is our Bhantu indiginious language and all podcasts are also English subtitled. Objectives of this new initiative is to make Chhara and all other Bhantu community members across the country about Corona pandmeic and rights during pandemic.

We release these podcasts biweekly on community's social media like whatsapp groups and other social media platforms. We have released 6 episodes till date and the 7th will be released on 30th of Oct. We are happy to share all episodes with you all friends. Please feel free to share with your family and friends. We are looking forward to your feedback, it will help us to improve the quality and content of upcoming episodes. Also, don't forget to subscribe to our Budhan Theatre Channel.

Episode 6

Episode 5

Episode 4

Episode 3

Episode 2

Episode 1

Best regards,

-- Roxy Gagdekar Dakxin Chhara


P. Kerim Friedman 傅可恩

Associate Professor The Department of Ethnic Relations and Cultures College of Indigenous Studies National DongHwa University, TAIWAN 副教授國立東華大學族群關係與文化學系

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