Online consultation for an EASA public anthropology initiative: celebrating the European Anthropology Day

Federate public anthropology actions during a European Anthropology Day

Euro Anthro Day

As part of its public anthropology initiatives, EASA wishes to consult the community of anthropologists on their willingness to federate their public anthropology actions during a European Anthropology Day, on the model of the European Archeology Days first celebrated in 2019. The aim of such a celebration is to reach the critical mass of anthropology related actions during one day in the year at the European level in order to insure visibility for anthropology across the continent. This could be achieved via the mobilisation of traditional and social media called upon to cover these events and could be an opportunity to have a public say on social and geopolitical debates via the events organised; to give a sense of European solidarity within the profession; to constitute a wealth of public material to be used for lobbying for anthropology at national and European levels, and last, but not least, to enhance creativity in the dissemination of research findings.

The institutional partners that EASA can hope to federate are universities, schools, museums, cultural spaces, associations, but public anthropology actions will be an opportunity to work with artists, migrants, local communities etc. The activities proposed during the European Anthropology Day could vary, from large audience conferences, exhibitions, ethnographic films and performances, to more hybrid forms.

While EASA’s role would mainly consist in communication, liaising and lobbying for the promotion of such activities beyond the national level, we invite you to contact EASA’s Secretary Monica Heintz with suggestions and opinions about how EASA can further assist the community of anthropologists with the celebration of a European Anthropology Day. This consultation of members was to be organised during a meeting with the representatives of national anthropological organisations at the EASA 2020 Lisboa, which would have certainly been a more appropriate and enjoyable space for brainstorming. We hope that your online engagement will still be enthusiastic and are looking forward to your suggestions.