Networks: Teaching anthropology network

This page contains links to relevant resources for teachers, for students and for researchers.


1. Teaching Anthropology
This is the blog of the journal Teaching Anthropology (TA) - a peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to the teaching of anthropology ( Like the journal, the blog aims to foster a discipline-based discussion of teaching and learning at all levels, from schools to research training, in the UK and internationally. The blog also invites discussion on the articles published in the journal.

.2. Learning and Teaching: International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences (LATISS)
This peer reviewed journal aims to explore higher educational practices in anthropology as well as other social sciences. It publishes articles reflecting on teaching experiments and experiences and, in particular, it invites students and staff to explore their education practices in the light of changes in their institutions, national higher education policies, the strategies of international agencies and developments associated with the so-called international knowledge economy. EASA-TAN members receive a 25% discount! Individual: €23 ($26 / £17) Student: €12 ($15 / £10).

3. Discover Anthropology: Teaching/Resources
These website pages of the Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) are devoted to teaching at pre-university level. They offer information about the A-Level in Anthropology and the International Baccalauréate Diploma; resources for teaching; and relevant links to professional organisations.

4. Anthropology and Education Quarterly
This journal is published quarterly by the American Council on Anthropology and Education.

5. Teaching Anthropology: Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges Notes
This Wiley journal is published on behalf of the Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges.

6. The Council on Anthropology and Education
This council is a section of the American Anthropological Association and their aim is to ‘advance scholarship on schooling in social and cultural contexts, and on human learning both inside and outside of schools.’

7. Internet Resources for Learning and Teaching Anthropology
This is a repository of anthropology learning and teaching resources available on the Internet. You can add your resources for indexing and evaluate the pages.

8. Teaching Anthropology
This is a discussion forum run by a Community College instructor teaching Anthropology at the undergraduate level. The blog includes reflections on teaching and learning experiences with various topics, innovative teaching techniques and numerous links to other relevant blogs and newsfeeds.

9. Open Anthropology Cooperative
This is an active group discussing various aspects of anthropology teaching. It offers discussions on tactics, strategies, and pedagogical theory.

10. Digital Anthropological Resources for Teaching (DART)
This JISC project has developed new digitized resources for the teaching of anthropology aiming to bring about meaningful and sustainable transformation of undergraduate education and professional practices in the field. 

11. Teaching Anthropology in an Education market. Anthropology and ‘Value-for-Money’ Education
This temporary network aims to improve pedagogical practice through discussion of financial issues that affect the teaching of anthropology.  It was set up by Jonathan Newman for his C-SAP funded project.

12. The MIT OpenCourseWare website offers material, redaing lists, lecture notes etc. from documented courses in various subjects, including anthropology.

Special topics

1. The Interest Group for the Anthropology of Public Policy collects syllabi on the Anthropology of Policy

2. EASA’s visual anthropology network webpage lists places that teach visual anthropology

3. Somatosphere: Science, Medicine and Anthropology is a collaborative weblog covering the intersections of medical anthropology, science and technology studies, cultural psychiatry and bioethics. It also includes resources for teaching medical anthropology such as films and syllabi.