Events by the Future Anthropologies Network (FAN)


Network Meeting

24 July 2024 15:00 CEST, Barcelona
The meeting will take place at the EASA2024 Conference, Facultat de Geografia i Història 205.


2022 17th EASA Biennial Conference: Transformation, Hope and the Commons Queen's University Belfast July 26-29th

2022 Co-organizer of RAI Anthropology, AI and the Future of Human Society, June 6-10th

2020 16th EASA biennial conference: New anthropological horizons in and beyond Europe Lisbon and Shindig online platform July 20-24th

2019 Energies and Technologies Futures
Lyon, 20-21st June

A joint workshop and network meeting with the Future Anthropologies Network (FAN) and the Energy Anthropology Network (EAN)

Conveners: Nathalie Ortar (Université de Lyon), Simone Abram (Durham University), Karen Waltorp (University of Copenhagen) and Sarah Pink (Monash University). Hosted by Université de Lyon.

For over a century, predictions about the future have been dominated by technological fantasies, either with utopian or dystopian outcomes. Driven increasingly by responses to the causes and effects of climate change, popular political future imaginaries span elitist extraplanetary survivalism and back-to-the-land minimalism. Anthropologists have emphasised the social and material forms of technology, and the need to analyse and account for visions of the future and attend to socio-material relations between technologies, humans and other living beings in a shared environment. FAN explores the anthropological potential for future-oriented methodologies, while EAN generates knowledge on approaches to energetic practices of various kinds. This workshop brings these two concerns together, to generate synergies, theoretical trajectories and newly shared research agendas. Where do energy and technology futures intersect? How are human futures implicated in diverse techno-energetic visions? What alternative other human futures are possible in the current techno-energetic world than those extremes delineated above of extraplanetary survivalism and back-to-the-land minimalism? How can anthropologists account for- and intervene- and take part in forging in futures-generation? The aim is to demonstrate that two relatively new areas of anthropological research and practice can work together to consolidate an agenda for research and intervention. It seeks to both impact on the theory and methodology of the discipline and to advance an anthropological approach to energy futures in an interdisciplinary research field.

Read more on the conference website here:

2018 15th EASA biennial conference: Staying, Moving, Settling
Stockholm, 14-17th August

2017 FAN Network Meeting
Manchester, 2nd-3rd July

Convened by Débora Lanzeni (Monash University), Karen Waltorp (University of Copenhagen) and Andrew Irving and Johannes Sjöberg (Manchester University) as co-organizers. Hosted by the University of Manchester.

The FAN EASA annual network meeting took place from the 2-3rd of July in the vibrant city of Manchester. As every FAN gathering it consisted of both a workshop and a walking tour engaging in the city in which we find ourselves: A workshop event to talk about member’s current work, synergies, and future possibilities; and a walking tour introducing the history of Manchester, its technology, and the most relevant infrastructure of the city with the highlight a visit to the Graphene Institute.

2016 4S/EASST Conference Barcelona
In September 2016 FAN co-organized the workshop “Thinking with ethnography” along with CASTAC (Committee on the Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Computing) an official list of AAA and XCol (Experimental Collaborations Ethnography beyond participant observation). In the 4S/EASST CONFERENCE BARCELONA – 2016: Science and Technology by Other Means framework. Workshop convened by Tomás Criado (Humboldt University), Débora Lanzeni (Monash University), Nick Seaver (Tufts University) and Karen Waltorp (University of Copenhagen).

2016 14th EASA Biennial Conference Anthropological legacies and human futures
Milan, 20-23rd July

2015 FUTURES SEMINAR AND LAB – BARCELONA // Future-making Walking Lab
The Future Anthropologies Network (FAN) meeting took place from 21-23 June 2015 in Barcelona, co-funded by EASA and the IN3 (of the Open University of Catalonia) and hosted by BAU Design Centre.
Exploring Future makers and Future Archaeology across the Poble Nou-quarter, a former industrial quarter in the XIX and the XX Century, now reconverted into a living lab for the Smart City. Exploring further the ‘Alive futures’ and ‘Fictional futures’ across the Barceloneta quarter, a popular fishing district that still has an old active fishermen port surrounded by luxurious yachts, and that ends into a long beach, now a very attractive tourist spot, ending with a communal open air dinner in an abandoned ruin with no roof.