Message posted on 28/05/2024

New open access book: Paradoxes of Migration in Tajikistan: Locating the good life (UCL Press)

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UCL Press is delighted to announce the publication of a new open access boo= k that may be of interest to list subscribers: Paradoxes of Migration in Ta= jikistan: Locating the good life by Elena Borisova. Download it free:

Paradoxes of Migration in Tajikistan Locating the good life Elena Borisova Free download:

Paradoxes of Migration in Tajikistan is the first ethnographic monograph on= migration in Tajikistan, one of the most remittance-dependent countries in= the world. Moving beyond economistic push-pull narratives about post-Sovie= t migration, it foregrounds the experiences of those who 'stay put' in the = sending society and struggle to reproduce their moral communities. Elena Bo= risova examines the role of mobility in historical and cultural ideas about= the good life and how it becomes entwined with people's efforts to become = good, moral and modern subjects. Addressing the complex relationship betwee= n the economic, imaginative and moral aspects of (im)mobility, she shows th= at mass migration from Tajikistan is as much a project of navigating ethica= l personhood as it is a quest for economic resources.

This book reveals how transnational regimes and structures of mobility, cit= izenship and histories map out in the intimate spheres of the body, the per= son and the family. It is a contribution to contemporary migration research= , which is mostly centred on Europe and North America, and to the field of = Central Asian studies. It will be of interest to researchers of migration, = (im)mobility and citizenship, and to scholars of all disciplines working on= Central Asia.

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