Networks: MedNet
The EASA Mediterraneanist Network (MedNet) is a network of EASA members doing fieldwork in all countries
bordering on the Mediterranean Sea. The aim of the network, founded in 2004, is to establish a communication
structure between network members in order to improve the advancement of research and academic exchange in its
broadest sense.
In providing a forum for cooperation and debate between social anthropologists doing fieldwork in the countries
bordering on the Mediterranean Sea, one has to be well aware that the Mediterranean is not, and never has been,
either an autonomous nor a homogeneous world. Yet seeing the Mediterranean as a common frame of reference,
network members express their interest in establishing and maintaining contacts with colleagues interested in
the anthropology of those countries surrounding what Braudel called that complex of seas.
MedNet members are social anthropologists doing research in the following countries:
Cyprus, Egypt, France, Gibraltar, Greece, Italy, Israel, Malta, Portugal, Spain,Tunisia, Turkey
These pages aim to:
- provide regular information on the network's activities
- provide information on MedNet members
- facilitate exchange between its members and between other EASA networks and aids communication on a
European-wide level between those sharing an interest in anthropological fieldwork in countries bordering on the
Mediterranean Sea.
If you would like to become a member of the EASA Mediterraneanist Network and wish to be included on the mailing list, please feel free to contact the MedNet network convenors:
Alice Elliot A.Elliot(at)
Gabriele Orlandi
Karin Ahlberg