Message posted on 14/04/2024

Post-doc at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Dear colleagues,

Manchester Met is celebrating its 200th anniversary this year and launching
the 'Third Century Fellowship Scheme' for exceptional researchers in the
early stages of their post-doctoral career. As an emerging research leader,
you will have significant experience and a notable track record of research
outputs in your area of research.

The Fellowship offers the opportunity to join MMU's Institute of Place
Management and lead new research on place-based partnerships. There is
plenty of time still to apply for this position.

Follow this link to apply:

If you would like to discuss the role informally, please do not hesitate to
contact Prof Steve Millington ( who is happy to have
a chat with you before you apply.

With kind regards,

Dr Maarja Kaaristo | Senior Lecturer | Department of Marketing,
International Business and Tourism | Manchester Metropolitan University

Business School | Oxford Road | Manchester, M15 6BH | United Kingdom |

** | Phone +44(0)161 247 2650
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