Message posted on 17/10/2018

A guided tour around a logistics node and its history

A logistics node as (ethnographic) container for collecting

Tracing Spaces LAB at Nordwest Station Vienna Tuesday, October 23, from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm =20

A guided tour by Michael Hieslmair and Michael Zinganel leading through = the area of Nordwestbahnhof, including the Ready Made Museum of a local = props rental and the current exhibition in the Tracing Spaces project = room.

in cooperation with Volkskundemuseum Wien (Museum of Ethnography Vienna)

Tracing Spaces produced a small historical and ethnographic exhibition = in a project space on site. Interviews by logistics experts working on = site, photos, plans and models of the history of construction, as well = as artefacts from everyday logistics will bring the eventful history and = present of this last logistics node in Vienna to the attention of a = wider public, before the site will soon have to give way to a new = residential area.

The project space serves as a communication and collection container in = the centre of the research field, and the continuous presence of the = researchers on site serves as a strategy to win the trust of experts in = everyday mobility and logistics, whose objects and narratives = successively condense the exhibition.

The fully cleared warehouse of Props & Co., one of the intermediate = users on the site, on the other hand, represents a magnificent Ready = Made Museum, whose extremely dense collection of artefacts of all kinds, = which are used for film equipment, represents an enormous arsenal of = imaginations.

Meeting point: "Am Tabor" stop on tram lines 2 and 5 Registration: =20

In the framework of: Stadt in Bewegung. Zum Abschied eines = Logistik-Areals the exhibition will be open until December 20, 2018

Michael Zinganel and Michael Hieslmair TRACING SPACES

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